- 配信EP / 2023-11-15 / xxxx

RiRiとLuLa による、意思を持つ2体のマネキン・ラップ・デュオ。
代表曲のガールズ・アンセム「Fxxk Boyz Get Money」の強烈なメッセージが、欧米を中心に、世界的インフルエンサーらから続々に支持され、1st Album「Femm-Isation」が全米「Billboard Chart」の「World Albums」でトップ10入り、イギリスでも、「Huffington Post」の「6 Acts To Watch in 2016(今観るべき6アーティスト)」や、全英の「HMV」全店で「Best Indies Album」に選出されるなど、今に続くフィメール・ラップ・シーンの新時代を切り拓いた『FEMM』。
EX MACHINA(機械仕掛け)そのものであった『FEMM1.0』から、よりエモーショナルな表現を可能とする『FEMM2.0』へのアップデートを明らかにし、2020年11月6日に「Level Up feat. Duke of Harajuku」をリリースし、第2章の始まりを告げた。
2020年11月20日には「どこを探しても(まだ)存在しない真新しい音楽」というメッセージが込められた6曲入りのE.P.「404 Not Found」をリリース。
RiRi and LuLa are mannequins with emotion from New Tokyo.
Mannequin rap duo FEMM caught the attention of influencers in the United States, Europe and around the world with their breakout anthem ‘Fxxk Boyz Get Money’. Their debut album ‘Femm-Inisation’ hit the Top 10 in Billboard’s World Albums chart in the US, while in Britain the Huffington Post highlighted FEMM in its ‘6 Acts to Watch in 2016’ list and HMV included the duo in its Best Indie Albums section across the UK.
It was announced that the previously stiff FEMM1.0 mannequin units had received a firmware update to FEMM2.0, allowing them to achieve convincingly humanlike levels of emotional expression. ‘Level Up feat. Duke of Harajuku’, which marks the beginning of Chapter 2 in FEMM’s story, was released on November 6th.
Additionally, on November 20, they will release a brand-new six-song EP titled ‘404 Not Found’ that means “brand-new music that doesn’t exist (yet), no matter how hard you search for it”.
The EP offers radical rap styles over fierce industrial tracks, pulling in elements of ‘dark pop’, a style that combines musicality and message and is now sweeping the world’s music scene. Rather than simply riding this trend, FEMM draw elements into their own sound to offer a whole new musical experience and a rich seam of emotion.
代表曲のガールズ・アンセム「Fxxk Boyz Get Money」の強烈なメッセージが、欧米を中心に、世界的インフルエンサーらから続々に支持され、1st Album「Femm-Isation」が全米「Billboard Chart」の「World Albums」でトップ10入り、イギリスでも、「Huffington Post」の「6 Acts To Watch in 2016(今観るべき6アーティスト)」や、全英の「HMV」全店で「Best Indies Album」に選出されるなど、今に続くフィメール・ラップ・シーンの新時代を切り拓いた『FEMM』。
EX MACHINA(機械仕掛け)そのものであった『FEMM1.0』から、よりエモーショナルな表現を可能とする『FEMM2.0』へのアップデートを明らかにし、2020年11月6日に「Level Up feat. Duke of Harajuku」をリリースし、第2章の始まりを告げた。
2020年11月20日には「どこを探しても(まだ)存在しない真新しい音楽」というメッセージが込められた6曲入りのE.P.「404 Not Found」をリリース。
RiRi and LuLa are mannequins with emotion from New Tokyo.
Mannequin rap duo FEMM caught the attention of influencers in the United States, Europe and around the world with their breakout anthem ‘Fxxk Boyz Get Money’. Their debut album ‘Femm-Inisation’ hit the Top 10 in Billboard’s World Albums chart in the US, while in Britain the Huffington Post highlighted FEMM in its ‘6 Acts to Watch in 2016’ list and HMV included the duo in its Best Indie Albums section across the UK.
It was announced that the previously stiff FEMM1.0 mannequin units had received a firmware update to FEMM2.0, allowing them to achieve convincingly humanlike levels of emotional expression. ‘Level Up feat. Duke of Harajuku’, which marks the beginning of Chapter 2 in FEMM’s story, was released on November 6th.
Additionally, on November 20, they will release a brand-new six-song EP titled ‘404 Not Found’ that means “brand-new music that doesn’t exist (yet), no matter how hard you search for it”.
The EP offers radical rap styles over fierce industrial tracks, pulling in elements of ‘dark pop’, a style that combines musicality and message and is now sweeping the world’s music scene. Rather than simply riding this trend, FEMM draw elements into their own sound to offer a whole new musical experience and a rich seam of emotion.
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