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FAKY、グループリニューアルを経て再始動! FAKY is BACK!!


FAKYがグループリニューアルを経て再始動! オリジナルメンバーであるAnna, Lil’ Fang, Mikakoの3名に加え、

今後新曲の発表、Music Videoの公開、ライブ活動等様々なアーティスト活動を予定しておりますので、是非今後とも温かい応援をよろしくお願い致します!
(Message from Diane)
First of all, I'd like to apologize for the sudden decision to leave FAKY. It really was a tough decision to make. Either way, please continue to support the girls. Thank you for the love everybody. I'll see you all soon.
(Message from Tina)
Hi everyone! Finally, the moment everyone’s been waiting for. FAKY is finally announcing its member change! Its very exciting, but it breaks my heart to officially announce that I will no longer be a member of FAKY. Nonetheless we wish FAKY good luck and hope to maybe even work with them again in the future.
FAKY is back with a new lineup that includes Anna, Lil’ Fang, Mikako and Akina, the newcomer from California.
Get ready for brand new tracks, music videos and live performances from the all new FAKY!! Thank you for your continuous support and we hope to see all of you soon!!
[A Message Regarding the Departure of Diane and Tina]
After extensive discussions, it was decided that it would be best for all that FAKY, Diane and Tina part ways to pursue their own musical ventures.
We thank you all for supporting the original members and we hope that you continue to support Diane and Tina as they continue to pursue their passion for music.
(Message from Diane)
First of all, I'd like to apologize for the sudden decision to leave FAKY. It really was a tough decision to make. Either way, please continue to support the girls. Thank you for the love everybody. I'll see you all soon.
(Message from Tina)
Hi everyone! Finally, the moment everyone’s been waiting for. FAKY is finally announcing its member change! It’s very exciting, but it breaks my heart to officially announce that I will no longer be a member of FAKY. Nonetheless we wish FAKY good luck and hope to maybe even work with them again in the future.